Montessori: Bring Your Parent to School Night

Last night was "Bring Your Parents to School Night" at Children's House, where Coco has been attending Montessori since we moved to Spokane. My mom started the school over ten years ago and it is such a beautiful thing that Coco gets to have her grandma as her teacher. Plus, it's the sweetest school community. We love the way Coco comes home telling us great stories of things she did every day, and how happy and satisfied she is with the supportive environment and all of the friends she's made. Every night before we eat dinner, she says the little blessing they use at school, "Thank you for the food before us; Thank you for the friends beside us; Thank you for the love around us." Then Theo claps and it's just as cute as can be.
The idea with Bring Your Parent to School Night is that the children have a chance to give their parents lessons, and show them, first hand, what they're doing at school every day. Coco didn't hesitate to jump into giving us a variety of lessons. It was a bit of a juggling act trying to keep track of Theo while paying attention to Coco's very detailed and precise lessons. 
At one point, we discovered that Theo had completely hi-jacked another child's table washing work! I guess I know what we need to set up at home in order to keep Theo busy and happy! Can you believe the focus and concentration on both of their faces? Montessori really is magical. It's like I'm discovering it anew watching my own babies live and grow with it.
Coco gave us lessons on the Metal Insets, Binomial Cube, Weaving, Table Washing and more. Head on over to Instagram to see a cute video of her getting her apron on. So darling! I don't think I could be more proud of Coco. She is smart, caring, talented, beautiful and so much fun to be around. I love her to the moon and back! 

If you're local to the Spokane area, and looking for a top quality Montessori program, CHMS is almost full for next year. Tours and applications are happening now! I can't recommend it enough. 


  1. I still remember the golden cube from when I was Coco's age; I know she'll have great memories of her time there!

    1. That is so great! Are you thinking of the Golden Beads for doing math? I love that you remember that!! My only Montessori memories are of the bells, the snack table and the monkey bars on the playground! HAHA!

    2. Yes! Those are the exact beads...funny I remember that of all things, since I studied English in school 😜

  2. So adorable! I'm from a Montessori family too. My grandparents helped start one on the east coast in the 60's and my mom and her siblings attended. What I remember most from my Montessori days is learning to sew, drawing a self-portrait, and listening to Peter and the Wolf in music class... I still love hearing it! :)

    1. That's really sweet! I remember seeing Peter and the Wolf performed live as a kid. AMAZING! Love hearing your Montessori memories. xx

  3. We JUST had our Parent night last night :) LOVE Montessori! My daughter demonstrated the binomial cube too - and the sound boxes!

    1. The Sound Boxes are a good one! So complicated. Good for her!! xo

  4. Montessori: Bring Your Parent to School Night sounds like an enriching event, fostering a deeper connection between parents and their children's education. Similarly, webboozcreates interactive digital experiences that engage users and promote learning in innovative ways. Just as Montessori education emphasizes hands-on learning and exploration,

  5. Dive into the magic of Montessori education alongside your little one. Explore interactive activities, witness their classroom experience firsthand, and engage with our passionate educators. Plus, don't forget to grab your personalized custom poly bags filled with goodies.

  6. The Montessori Bring Your Parent to School Night is a fantastic opportunity for parents to experience firsthand the innovative and child-centered approach to education that Montessori schools offer. Parents will have the chance to step into their child's shoes and engage in various hands-on activities, observe classroom dynamics, and interact with educators. This event fosters a deeper understanding of the Montessori methodology and reinforces the partnership between parents and teachers in supporting children's holistic development. Parents leave feeling inspired, informed, and excited to continue supporting their child's educational journey in line with the Montessori philosophy. It's a night not to be missed for parents seeking a unique and enriching educational experience for their child.

  7. An engaging and informative event that allows parents to experience firsthand the Montessori educational approach. Parents will get a glimpse into their child's school day, observe classroom activities, and gain insight into the Montessori philosophy. This special night fosters a strong connection between parents and teachers, promoting collaboration and understanding in supporting the child's learning journey. Parents will have the opportunity to ask questions, participate in hands-on activities, and see the benefits of a Montessori education in action. This event is not only educational but also strengthens the bond between home and school, ensuring a holistic approach to the child's development.

  8. Experience the magic of Montessori education by joining us for our special event, "Bring Your Parent to School Night." This unique opportunity allows parents to step into the shoes of their child for an evening and gain a deeper understanding of the Montessori philosophy and teaching methods. From hands-on activities to observing classroom dynamics, parents will witness firsthand the engaging and child-centered approach that sets Montessori apart. Come and discover the transformative power of a Montessori education as we invite you to be a part of your child's learning journey. Don't miss this chance to see education through your child's eyes at our "Bring Your Parent to School Night" event.


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