You know how it always feels like summer is so short and winter is so long? I think this composite photo of Venus throughout the year is proof. The bottom is the winter solstice, the top is the summer solstice and where it crosses over itself is where we are right about now: the equinox. Just look at how much bigger winter is. Sigh.
Yesterday was the first really cold day in Zurich. You could feel the bite of the chill and smell the snow in the air. All the foothills are already dusted in white and winter does not feel far away. But I was hot and sweaty at my ballet class. I'm so happy to be back. And I am so out of shape! I'm quite sure my face was the color of a beet by the end of the hour long class. My darling teacher, who's so cute I just want to eat her up, reassured me by saying, "It goes away fast, but it comes back fast, too." How perfect.
Here are a few little fun things from my week:
Melt in your mouth fall meal. (I made it with an extremely cheap cut of beef and it was wonderful.)
The Cozy Coupe's adorable history.
I love this Matt Walsh guy!
This wonder oil is amazing.
I'm flying through The Paris Wife on the iPad.
And I can't recommend Nicole's Classes enough. I learned SO much in Photoshop 101. Worth every penny!
I hope you have a fantastic weekend! See you back here Monday. xo
(photo via Cranium)
Making that braised pork for dinner tonight! Yum!